We’ve all seen the phrase “Must work well with others”, yet it’s so commonly found on job descriptions that many times we just ignore it. The problem however is that it’s not just there to fill in space, it’s a requirement and a very important one at that. Simply put, if you don’t work well with others, you will eventually get fired from every job you start. Not just from the job you’re currently at, but from next one, and the next, until you end up in a job where you don’t have to work well with others and….well, that’s probably not a job you want to have. The good news is that on the other hand, working well with others will always result in opportunities, promotions, higher pay and work that is rewarding. Below are a few habits, that when implemented, I’ve seen contribute to individual and team success.

Don’t interrupt people when they talk.

Become a listener. Stop for a moment and just let the person finish what they want to say. Don’t be a “speaker in waiting”. Stop concentrating on what you want to say and listen to what the other person wants to say. People aren’t impressed when you talk, they’re impressed when you listen. If you want people to respect you, let them talk about themselves and don’t do anything to get in their way. Followers like to talk; leaders like to listen.

Share credit.

A couple of things happen when you try to take all the credit for something. One, in the midst of trying to make yourself look good, you actually might end up looking like a selfish jerk, even if the credit is truly yours. However when you are willing to share credit for a job well done, the person you share it with will like you and second, everyone else will respect you and will want to work with you, because they will see that you don’t try to take all the glory for yourself. This is one most people get wrong. Followers are always taking credit; leaders are always giving credit.

Take Responsibility.

This goes along with #2. Just like it’s important to share credit when there has been a win, it’s always important to take responsibility when there has been a loss. When something goes wrong, its human nature to say “it wasn’t my fault” and to pass the buck to somebody else. What you are really saying is, “I wasn’t in control of the situation.” This isn’t reassuring to those who depend on you. People feel safe around others who are in control and have the power to Make It Happen! Take responsibility, plan for success and learn to step up and be a leader when it’s necessary to take the hit. It’s ok, we all make mistakes. Followers take credit and give out blame, leaders take the blame and give out credit.

Show Sincere Appreciation.

Although there are dozens of important ways of getting along with others, showing genuine appreciation when somebody does a favor for you or does a good job at something is an important one. It costs you nothing and everything walks away happier and fulfilled. Followers condemn and give out complaints, Leaders appreciate and give out compliments.